Archives November 2020

The Human Mind Using the Law of Attraction to Your Advantage

The Human Mind: Using the Law of Attraction to Your Advantage

“What the mind can see and conceive the mind can achieve.” This statement has been around for ages and most people know this by heart. But the true measure of the power contained within this well known line is remarkably practiced by only a small number of individuals, whom, needless to say are also benefitting from it. This may be because the vast majority of people are only superficially aware of the concept but may not really know how it all works. This, more than ever, is the time to discover the true meaning and power of this law.

What It Is

The attraction law is what you might call a universal law. This means it applies to every single human being on earth, regardless of location, race and personal circumstance. You can therefore be assured that nothing and no one can discriminate against your benefiting from this law.

In simple terms, this law states that like attracts like. This however, should be understood beyond physical likeness. The attraction law specifically points to similar energies attracting each other. It has been proven by numerous individuals that thinking in a certain way will attract occurrences of a similar nature. Hence, thinking positively can attract positive occurrences and negative thinking will attract negative outcomes. These are known as like energies.

How to Use It

The law of attraction entails more than just thinking positively. A positive frame of mind simply implies a general outlook of the universe. The law should be applied in a deeper, more specific way. To be able to benefit from the law, you must:

Clearly know and think of what you want.

Visualize what you want in the present tense.

With your clear vision in mind, you have to act as if you already own it.

Once you own what you want, you have to prepare yourself to receive it.

Let go of all doubts.

The last point is very important in your quest to succeed and you should never let doubt creep in and steel your dreams away.

Believing completely in what you want and in the certainty of receiving it may take some practice for some people. If this is true for you, then begin everyday with exercises to strengthen your mind. Practice everyday visualizing what you want and owning it and you will have begun your journey into using the law of attraction to your advantage.

To your success,

Brian Richards

Brian Richards is an qualified counselor and have experience in the rehabilitation of prisoners and abused children. He recommends

Discover how you can possess the wonderful powers already contained within your mind and think your way to success.